Global - Plastic & Rubber Machinery - Events
List by Product List by Country
Elmia Polymer 2028  
Top Polymer Event in Scandinavia
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
D&M South 2028  
Turn Your Design Ideas into Products at D&M South
Dates: TBD
Charlotte NC, United States
PLASTEC South 2028  
Discover Next-Gen Materials, Moldings and Manufacturing Solutions at Plastec South
Dates: TBD
Charlotte NC, United States
RubberCon 2028  
Advanced Engineering & Materials Developments Event
Dates: TBD
TBD, Slovakia
Exhibition and Conference for a More Sustainable Plastics and Rubber Industry
Dates: TBD
Milan, Italy
International trade fair for the tyre industry
Dates: TBD
Cologne, Germany
IRC 2028  
International Rubber Conference & Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Daegu, South Korea
K 2028 Trade Fair  
International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber
Dates: TBD
Dusseldorf, Germany
Exhibition for Machines, Equipments, Raw Materials and Technology for Moulds and Plastics
Dates: TBD
Batalha, Portugal
RubberCon 2029  
Advanced Engineering & Materials Developments Event
Dates: TBD
TBD, India
Equiplast 2029  
International Plastics and Rubber Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Barcelona, Spain
IRC 2029  
International Rubber Conference & Exhibition
Dates: TBD
TBD, United Kingdom
Interplas 2029  
UK's leading plastics industry event
Dates: TBD
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Pro-Plas Expo 2029  
The Plastic, Machinery & Materials Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Cape Town, South Africa
Plastivision India 2030  
14th International Plastics Exhibition & Conference
Dates: TBD
Mumbai, India
NPE 2030 2131 days left 
The International Plastics Showcase
5/6/2030 - 5/10/2030
Orlando FL, United States
RubberCon 2030  
Advanced Engineering & Materials Developments Event
Dates: TBD
TBD, Finland
IRC 2030  
International Rubber Conference & Exhibition
Dates: TBD
TBD, Malaysia
RubberCon 2031  
Advanced Engineering & Materials Developments Event
Dates: TBD
TBD, Turkey
IRC 2031  
International Rubber Conference & Exhibition
Dates: TBD
TBD, France

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