Global - Metalworking Machinery - Events
List by Product List by Country
FeiMec 2028  
International Machinery And Equipment Exhibition
Dates: TBD
Sao Paulo, Brazil
GrindingHub 2028  
The new hub of international grinding technology
Dates: TBD
Stuttgart, Germany
Elmia Welding & Joining Technology 2028  
Elmia Welding & Joining Technology
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
Elmia Machine Tools 2028  
Trade fair for Machine Tools, Tools & Measuring
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
Elmia Sheet Metal 2028  
Trade fair for Sheet Metal
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
Advanced Manufacturing Belgium 2028  
The future of manufacturing technologies
Dates: TBD
Antwerp, Belgium
Elmia 3D 2028  
The fair for additive manufacturing and solutions
Dates: TBD
Jonkoping, Sweden
Northern Industry 2028  
The Nordic Industrial fair
Dates: TBD
Oulu, Finland
D&M South 2028  
Turn Your Design Ideas into Products at D&M South
Dates: TBD
Charlotte NC, United States
EMEX 2028  
New Zealand's largest tradeshow for the engineering, manufacturing technology and electronics sectors
Dates: TBD
Auckland, New Zealand
CHS2 2028  
11th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal Forming of High-Performance Steel
Dates: TBD
Stanztec 2028  
9th Trade fair for punching technology
Dates: TBD
Pforzheim, Germany
IMTS 2028  
International Manufacturing Technology Show
Dates: TBD
Chicago IL, United States
Welding Korea 2026 + Automation  
Korea International Welding & Cutting Automation Show
Dates: TBD
Changwon, South Korea
AFS Metalcasting Congress 2029  
The Leading Industry Event for Education and Networking
Dates: TBD
TBD, United States
International Trade Fair - Joining, Cutting, Surfacing
Dates: TBD
Essen, Germany
EMO 2029  
The World of Metalworking
Dates: TBD
IFM 2030  
24th International Forgemasters Meeting
Dates: TBD
GIFA 2031  
17th International Trade Fair for Foundry, Foundry Technology and Melting Furnace
Dates: TBD
Dusseldorf, Germany
NEWCAST 2031  
8th International Trade Fair for Cast Products, Iron- and Steel Casting
Dates: TBD
Dusseldorf, Germany

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